My So-Called Life.

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Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like had I gone to Ithaca instead of NYU…


Not Quite:

I would be :

  1. cold constantly. Seeing as I lack warm enough clothing to sustain me through winter winds of NYC, I’d probably die of pneumonia in upstate NY. Until the spring – but that’s when I’d have to leave….
  2. majoring in a Nutrition related field within the School of Health Science and Human Performance (less fun than Food Studies)
  3. seeing everyone, all the time. Like Addie or Emily, or Sam and Rachel. There’s only about 6,500 students. It’s pretty small. (Compared to NYU, that is)
  4. paying less tuition than NYU. As the saying goes: Mo’ money, mo’ problems.
  5. meeting guys. Straight guys. Guys who play sports.
  6. potentially attending cliché ‘college’ house parties.
  7. able to drive places as I would have a car by now.
  8. have to drive home 5 hours away…
  9. walking less, eating more. Close quarters, really good food.
  10. better at recycling and composting – aka caring about the environment. Ithaca’s big on sustainability and cleanliness. NYU, keep trying.
  11. doing more sight-seeing : Ithaca is Gorges.
  12. going to clubs not bars. (Eh, whatever)
  13. really far away from NYC
  14. partaking in the local scene: amazing Farmer’s Markets.
  15. more music/theatre oriented.


Don’t get me wrong. NYU’s great. I’m pretty happy here. I don’t really think I’d feel as comfortable anywhere else. But I’ve always wondered what my alternate reality would entail. These are just postulations based on my previous visit to Ithaca.



parallel universe

props to xkcd.



About Jen

Who am I? Well, I'm certainly not Batman, if that's what you were thinking. Or Spiderman for that matter, either. I'm just a girl who decided to create a blog because, yup, you guessed it. Everyone else seems to be doing it too. Actually, that's not 100% true. I had originally been assigned to write a blog for one of my classes, but I'm no longer in it, and I just never got around to following through with posting anything. Until now, that is. But back to the question raised. I am nearing my second decade upon this planet and I'm still trying to figure it out. Let's start with the basics: I'm a girl - well, woman, actually - who should really be spending her free time bettering herself by searching for jobs, reading intellectual memoirs about people who have done greater things in their lives than I have, going outside and exploring the city (New York) or the world (Earth), learning various instruments - basically living life away from the computer screen. I'm also a frugal student in the midst of New York City who's only form of shopping lately has been refined to glancing at the pretty dresses in the windows of cute boutiques on my long walk home from campus. But that's okay. If I've learned anything from this city, it's that there are plenty of great things for less than five bucks that you can take apart, piece back together, and make it your own.

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